“Hello, world!”

I have attempted to write this post at least a dozen times over the last three years, and each time, I had some whimsical idea of the perfect first post. First, it was how to say welcome in 40 different languages because the backdrop of a hotel lobby in Punta Cana, where I once stayed, had them all. Then, it was a history of using “Hello, world” as a sample program. That list went on and on, and I never made it past 2 or 3 blog posts any other time I tried,

"Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more"

I think I focused too heavily on perfection and gimmicks, worrying that I could not fail, rather than speaking my mind and sharing the raw, unedited Brian Joseph “Boom Boom” “Bubba” (Andrew) Ackerman. The truth is, I was unsure what I wanted to say as an overarching message and whether or not it would be profound enough to share with the masses. My new goal is simply to share what is on my mind, as that in itself historically scares me.

I will try to limit other goals for now, but here is a rough outline of what may be in store for this site:

  • Free laser-cut templates
  • Microcontroller tutorials (Arduino, ESP32, Pico)
  • Anything Home Assistant-related
  • Or anything with my other laundry list of hobbies
    • 3d printing
    • Pyrography
    • Leatherworking

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